Monday, October 25, 2010

Skin-it's just not tough enough

I've been a PK-you learn that your skin gets tough with all the words and situations that come your way.

I've been a girlfriend who was taken advantage of-my skin became like a spring board-the words and actions just bounced off.

I've been a sister-you take what you get from your siblings-nice or not.

I've never been the girl that has gotten her feelings hurt easily. I've been a fighter. A problem causer. An attitude queen. I've been a peace-maker. I've grown up. I've matured. I've found ways of dealing with issues. I've come to understand that everyone sees things differently and that we have to have tough skin to get thru life sometimes.

But on the flip side-no matter how strong you are. No matter what you have found. Sometimes your skin just isn't tough enough. Sometimes the words and the actions are just too much and too sharp and you find yourself throwing your arms up, finding a bed, and curling up in total surrender.

I hate the feeling of defeat-when I feel like the enemy has not given me a choice other than to declare victory to them. I hate the feeling of being worthless. I hate the feeling of depression. But above all I hate that I feel like a problem.

I need to learn that even though I can be changed by what happens to me-I don't have to be reduced by it.

If there is something that I have learned as of recent this would have to be it:

People can write me down in history with their bitter and twisted lies. They may throw me to the wolves. Stomp on me and grind me into the dirt. But still-like the dust-I WILL rise.