Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Simply Strategic Stuff part 4

Chapter 31: Send your Bankers Audit Reports and Birthday Cards every year-Get to know the bank that you borrow money from. Treat it as you would an interview of a new employee/staff member. Keep the communication lines open with your bank and keep them posted on how things are going.

Chapter 32: You can't fire volunteers when the construction project stalls- This chapter was about using volunteers for your projects. When you do this though, you need to check their professional references, written agreements, and have accountability systems in place. If not, church leaders will find themselves in trouble.

Chapter 33: Sack the no huddle offense: Have weekly meetings with your staff and get on the same page with them. Include things during your meeting such as updates, evaluations, strategy, planning, decisions, and fun.

Chapter 34: Give your staff cool gifts: Throughout the year give your staff gifts-but BUDGET for them. Build it into your budget, consult your financial advisor, and give the gifts personally!

Chapter 35: Your website today shouldn't be seen tomorrow: Update your website frequently and make it easy to access and navigate. 3 target audiences that will follow your site are 1) people checking out your church. 2) People trying to connect to your church. 3) People who are committed to your church.

Chapter 36: Giving is person-not private: Teach your congregation that while tithing is a personal thing it is not a private thing. You as the pastor/leader should know when people in your church are robbing God of what is his.

Chapter 37: It's easier to tame the lions than prod the turtles: It's important to have people that you work with have a good sense of balance in their work habits. It creates a less stressful and more productive environment.

Chapter 38: Build your church before you build your church: When building a building make sure that it will meet the needs and purposes and that God has not only for your church but also for your community. Make sure you check your motives on why you are building your building as well.

Chapter 39: Deliver the game plan: What is your focus and vision? How is your vision developing?

Chapter 40: When you discover sin in the leadership, don't cover it up: Don't cover up sin in leadership. Follow 3 guidelines 1) The sphere of the individuals influence dictates the scope of the confession 2) If it is a sin that could expose the church to legal action, be sure to get legal counsel 3) Get counsel.

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