Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am with you in all that you do, even in the menial tasks. I am always aware of you, concerned with every detail of your life. NOTHING escapes my notice- not even the number of hairs on your head. However, your awareness of My Presence falters and flickers; as a result, your life experience feels fragmented. When your focus is broad enough to include Me in your thoughts, you feel safe and complete. When your perception narrows so that problems or details fill your consciousness, you feel empty and incomplete.

Learn to look steadily at Me in all your moments and all your circumstances, Though the world is unstable and in flux, you can experience continuity through your uninterrupted awareness of My presence. Fix your gaze on what is unseen, even as the visible world parades before your eyes!

It's snowing....again.....

On days like this I enjoy just curling up under my feather blankets and think about all sorts of things. I was re-reading some of my previous blog posts and the above portion really stuck out to me.

Lately I have been feeling really overwhelmed, stressed, angry, irritated....well you all get the idea. I found great comfort in these words. I was reminded that lately the reason things have been getting to me is because I have not fixed my gaze on Christ-my awareness of his presence "falters and flickers" and as a result the saying "I try to take one day at a time, but lately several days have attacked me at once" becomes my reality. I have never been a huge fan of constantly unstable conditions or situations-I'm a slight control freak....ok....I am a MAJOR control freak. When I read this though, I am reminded that life would be a little bit easier if I would just fix my eyes on what is important, that if I just kept Christ with me in all of my moments-things wouldn't be attacking me and dragging me down.

So today as the storm rages outside, the snow piles up, and prayers across the campus are sent up that MNU miraculously will cancel class for a 2nd day in a row, I am comforted with the reminder that even when my faith falters and flickers.....HE is always aware of me and I will always be able to experience HIM.

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