Monday, April 25, 2011

A new beginning

Beginnings-they are always exciting-and sometimes scary too. But this one for us has been ALOT of fun! After about a solid week of late nights, lots of stress, and a million boxes-our HOME is finally put together! Well, minus the bed frame and the headboard-that will get done this weekend. I'll be staying here until the wedding and then Thomas is going to be moving in after we get back from our honeymoon in San Diego. It's a GREAT place and we love it so much! Enjoy the pictures! :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Simply Strategic Stuff part 10 91-99

Your New Staff Member Already Attends Your Church (91): Hire from the inside! By doing this you are getting people who already know your vision, mission, and what you stand for. They love what the church is trying to do and they are respected by others in the church.

Put Your Money Where Your Crowd Is (92): This chapter goes over making sure that the ministries that are making the biggest difference are the ones that are getting the money and resources that it needs. It's ok to not equally distribute money and resources!

Share Critical Knowledge, Even When It Hurts (93): Whenever you have a tough situation you need to communicate it in several ways to your church as well as communicating exactly how you are feeling. However, make sure that you 1) Pick the right crowd. 2) Be honest but not hopeless. 3) Be human. 4) Allow people time to mourn the loss. 5) Get help.

Recruit Constantly (94): Always be recruiting volunteers for your ministry! Make sure that you identify, pray, ask promote, review, and encourage! It is your role as a leader to build teams and plug them into your ministry!

Avoid Creating a "Federation of Subminitries" (95): Make sure that you are staying unified! Make sure that you maintain a common budget, don't allow departmental fundraising, end ineffective minstries. Dismiss ineffective staff or leaders, etc.

Hire an Administrator before you hire a youth pastor (96): Make sure that you have someone to help handle all of the responsibilities that the staff has. By hiring someone to do this it helps to free up the staff to continue being effective in their ministry.

Put this word in your vocabulary: Newness (97): Chapter 97 went over tips on how to keep your church in a newness condition

Study Your Stats (98): Types of measurement in ministry: 1) weekly attendance 2) Weekly offerings 3) weekly attendance and revenue forcasts 4) Spiritual steps (monthly) 5) monthly financial reports 6) quarterly vision statement progress

There are no shortcuts (99): Ministry is hard work. But when you pursue Jesus he is going to lead you in the direction you need to go and he will use you to help transform people's lives.

I believe that it is important to remember that you are "working" for God and that in his ministry there really are no shortcuts. People's lives are at stake. When you keep him at the forefront of the things that you do and your ministry, you are going to be a truly effective leader.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Simply Strategic Stuff part 9 81-90

Spouses Should Share the Experience (81): The chapter goes over spouses sharing in ministry. Yes they should, but be careful that you aren't always giving all your attention to just church things. Make time for you family as well.

Answer the Phone (82): Always have some kind of answering service or call forwarding available for your church phones. If you aren't able to answer the phones-think about all the things you are missing out on! Promptly respond to the phone calls and voice mails!

Eliminate the Committees and Multiply the Ministry (83): Chapter 83 goes over having teams of people working together rather than having committees. Make sure that people are valued in ministry rather than in your meetings!

Surround Yourself with Learners (84): Add learners to your ministry team! Find people that have a student attitude in 4 areas 1)Students of Scripture 2) Students of leadership 3) Students of culture 4) Students of successful ministries

You can't overcommunicate the vision (85): Communiate your vision! Deliver a weekend series every year that recalls your vision to your church, Use stories to illustrate the impact of the vision, print your mission on your programs or bulletins every week, etc.

Build budgets on purpose (86): Begin budgetting by defining the ministry plan. Ask what you are trying to accomplish, what action steps are being taken, how will the goal help to accomplish the mission and vision, etc.

E-mail can get you in trouble (87): Advantages and disadvantages of email was discussed in this chapter. Avoid email when there is a conflict, when you are mad, when you are hurt by something someone has sent you, etc.

Give volunteers an experience, not just a task (88): Get the best out of your volunteers and their talents by caring for them-build a relationship with them and figure out who they are as a person.

Leave Well (89): When you leave-leave well. Don't discuss issues you have with the church, don't talk negatively to anyone, and don't listen to complaints from people about the church after you have left.

Numbers communicate momentum, and momentum generates numbers (90): Be creative with the way you communicate numbers! This will help you generate more momentum

I have always seen "'spouse ministry" modeled b/c my parents practice this within the context of their marriage. However, I do agree with the chapter when it says that you need to watch how much time you are giving both. There were times growing up that I was (quite frankly) tired of sharing my parents. Then there were other times that I was glad that they were available to people. I came to realize that there is a fine line between church family and "real" family. They both need you. They both need love. And above all-they both need the guidance that you can offer them.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I've had a pretty rough week. Well....couple weeks to be honest with you. I have had so much going on and so much to do that I haven't been getting alot of sleep-which means I am a real big grump and have gotten so stressed out that I just broke down last night and sobbed for what seemed like hours.

I had to sing this morning for worship team at church. I really didn't want to go. I wanted to sleep. I was in a terrible mood and had no intention of getting out of it. Then......God decided that I needed something & in true form He did it in the best way that could get my

He never ceases to amaze me......

Friday, April 1, 2011

Simply Strategic Stuff part 8 71-80

Your web strategy involves more than launching a web site (71): Chapter 71 goes over the advantages of the internet and how you can use it to your advantage.

Teach others what you are learning (72): Chapter 72 talks about the importance of being a teaching church. Even when you are a smaller church-there are always other churches that can benefit from your expertise!

Handle tough situations head-on (73): Chapter 73 goes over a "continuum of care" following 6 steps. 1) Coaching session. 2) Performance review 3) written reprimand 4) formal warning 5) Time off 6) Termination

Partner for the long term (74): When planning for the future-make sure you are able to build long lasting relationships. Follow these steps. 1) you won't need to re-educate your partners each time. 2) you save time. 3) you have opportunities for life-changing ministry 4) the quality of the craftsmanship and service is improved 5) the blame game is minimized

Teach the tithe regularly (75): Tell your people not to give! Bringing a gift to God is apart of your worship. Also have people give personal testimony. You are bound to get better results when you have "regular" people talk about their personal experiences.

Throw a party for the smallest success (76): Get excited about the small things! Give silly gifts, give a sermon, group recognition!

Affinity and diversity can walk hand in hand (77): Chapter 77 talks about diversity and affinity within your ministry team. Diversity helps strengthen your your team and affinity creates a bond that is not easily broken.

Send lots of handwritten notes (78): Chapter 78 talks about the power of words of appreciation. Writing post cards to people each week can have an incredible impact on people. Make it a habit

Reward the person who stops a dead program (79): Reward the people who stop the programs that do not line up with your churches vision or mission. By doing this you are able to focus your energy in other areas that are apart of your vision and mission.

Don't let your board decide how many pencils to purchase (80): Just because your church board has an opinion doesn't mean you have to use and it doesn't mean that they will be upset if you don't ask for their opinion. Remember: the people are the ministers the staff are the ADministers.

Chapter 72 talks about teaching other people what you learn. I saw my Dad implement this into his church when he chose to send some of his staff to different conferences to help them get ideas going for the things they wanted to do in our church that followed the churches vision and mission. While they were not able to do all of the things they wanted to  to full scale-they were able to take some of the ideas and put their own spin on it to work with what they need. It worked out great and one of the results was a new children's center complete with a computerized check in/out desk!