Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Simply Strategic Stuff part 9 81-90

Spouses Should Share the Experience (81): The chapter goes over spouses sharing in ministry. Yes they should, but be careful that you aren't always giving all your attention to just church things. Make time for you family as well.

Answer the Phone (82): Always have some kind of answering service or call forwarding available for your church phones. If you aren't able to answer the phones-think about all the things you are missing out on! Promptly respond to the phone calls and voice mails!

Eliminate the Committees and Multiply the Ministry (83): Chapter 83 goes over having teams of people working together rather than having committees. Make sure that people are valued in ministry rather than in your meetings!

Surround Yourself with Learners (84): Add learners to your ministry team! Find people that have a student attitude in 4 areas 1)Students of Scripture 2) Students of leadership 3) Students of culture 4) Students of successful ministries

You can't overcommunicate the vision (85): Communiate your vision! Deliver a weekend series every year that recalls your vision to your church, Use stories to illustrate the impact of the vision, print your mission on your programs or bulletins every week, etc.

Build budgets on purpose (86): Begin budgetting by defining the ministry plan. Ask what you are trying to accomplish, what action steps are being taken, how will the goal help to accomplish the mission and vision, etc.

E-mail can get you in trouble (87): Advantages and disadvantages of email was discussed in this chapter. Avoid email when there is a conflict, when you are mad, when you are hurt by something someone has sent you, etc.

Give volunteers an experience, not just a task (88): Get the best out of your volunteers and their talents by caring for them-build a relationship with them and figure out who they are as a person.

Leave Well (89): When you leave-leave well. Don't discuss issues you have with the church, don't talk negatively to anyone, and don't listen to complaints from people about the church after you have left.

Numbers communicate momentum, and momentum generates numbers (90): Be creative with the way you communicate numbers! This will help you generate more momentum

I have always seen "'spouse ministry" modeled b/c my parents practice this within the context of their marriage. However, I do agree with the chapter when it says that you need to watch how much time you are giving both. There were times growing up that I was (quite frankly) tired of sharing my parents. Then there were other times that I was glad that they were available to people. I came to realize that there is a fine line between church family and "real" family. They both need you. They both need love. And above all-they both need the guidance that you can offer them.

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